


What's the point of love if it's not ordained?
Why meander towards anything other than a happily ever after?

Love is sacred. Love is meant to burn hot, bright, and everlasting.
I've always believed this, even as my classmates fumble around with their hookups and bids for instant gratification.
But that's all changed this summer.
I can keep waiting for fate to send me a soulmate straight out of a cloudless sky, or I can find them for myself.
I can keep chasing fantasies, or I can learn what real love is.

A childhood friend who cherishes my company.
A classmate in need of a Prince Charming.
A freshman who reaches just a little too far.
A senior with an undying love for her family.

Friends. Strangers. Acquaintances. All girls with the potential to be more.
Potential that'll never be realized if I keep sitting on my hands.
So what's stopping me from making my move?
Why can't this be the beginning of my own love story?
Why not make my own happily ever after?


Love Is a Process

Dating is only the first step!
That special someone doesn't have to start out special. Feelings can bud over time!

Love can come from all sorts of places, even nothing. Get to know your partner from scratch, get awkward about holding hands, struggle to work up the nerve to share that first kiss, agonize over dates, stumble over your words—experience it all.

Take things slow. Take things fast. There's only one way to know what shape your relationship might take:
get out there and start loving!



Learn to Love—Together

A relationship is not the goal. It's the beginning.

In the original Making*Lovers, the concept of relationships as a two-way street was explored. Through effort and mutual partnership, the protagonist came to know and care for the girls more deeply.

In First Blush, those core concepts are further explored through a different lens. The fans wanted to see relationships-in-progress, the process by which a couple truly becomes a couple, and so we've cast a light on those aspects. Those first baby steps. Those first few blushes.
